Thanks to the guidance of her famous mother Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise has attracted great attention from the public with her excellent singing voice.

According to Hello Magazine, female star Katie Holmes paved the way for her daughter, Suri Cruise, to enter showbiz. Turning 16 years old with her beauty in full bloom, Suri Cruise is always expected to follow in the footsteps of her powerful parents Katie – Tom Cruise. Since childhood, the daughter of actor “Mission Impossible” has always appeared publicly without hesitation, being sought after as an A-list star, but it wasn’t until recently that Katie Holmes let her daughter show off her talent as an artist.

It turns out that Suri Cruise was able to participate in her mother’s film project Alone Together as a singer performing the song Blue Moon that opens the credits of the work from last year. Suri’s clear, flexible voice was praised by international media as “wingful”. Proudly sharing with Yahoo!



Since childhood, Suri Cruise has become a child star enjoying the glory of the most powerful parents in the world’s cinema industry.

Growing up, Suri Cruise was always sought after by the media like an A-list star. Suri’s beauty at the age of 16 was highly praised by the public. The girl inherited all the beauty from both her parents, shining like a star. That’s why the audience wants Suri Cruise to follow Tom – Katie’s footsteps and enter the entertainment industry

Currently Suri Cruise still lives happily with her mother, but the audience is still curious about her relationship with her powerful father Tom Cruise after 10 years since the last time father and daughter appeared together. According to Us Weekly, the court allowed Tom Cruise to see his daughter a maximum of 10 days/month. However, this male actor refused to meet his child.

2013 was the last time Tom Cruise and Suri Cruise met. It is known that Tom was forbidden to see his daughter because Suri did not belong to the sect the actor joined. Previously, Tom Cruise sued a media company for reporting that he neglected his daughter. That was also the time when the actor revealed that the cult was one of the reasons why Katie Holmes filed for divorce. A former member of the cult revealed to Us Weekly in 2019: “Maybe he just took photos to show like he was still seeing Suri, all to avoid the wave of criticism.” However, Tom himself affirmed that even though he did not meet Suri, he always called her every day.

News about Suri and Tom Cruise also suddenly climbed to the top of Korean searches all day March 20, making Korean public opinion especially interested.



Tom and Suri did not meet because of the sect’s prohibition, but the famous actor confirmed that he still calls his daughter every day.