Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt recently shared a cryptic post on her Instagram story discussing “integrity.” This post came shortly after she expressed support for Kangana Ranaut, who was slapped by a CISF woman constable at Chandigarh airport. Alia’s surprising reaction included liking a post condemning the slap incident, despite Kangana’s history of making controversial statements against her.
On Tuesday, Alia Bhatt reposted a quote by football coach Tony Dungy from Branden Collinsworth’s Instagram page. The quote stated:
“Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; it’s doing the right thing all the time, even when it may work to your disadvantage. Integrity is keeping your word. It’s an internal compass, a rudder that directs you where you know you should go when everything around you is pulling you in a different direction. Some people think reputation is the same as integrity, but they are two different things. Your reputation is the public perception of your integrity. Because it’s other people’s opinions of you, it may or may not be accurate. Others determine your reputation, but only you determine your integrity.” Alia shared this post alongside a heart hands emoji.
Journalist Faye D’Souza also condemned the slap incident involving Kangana and the CISF constable, and Alia showed her agreement by liking D’Souza’s post.
The post read:
“With reference to the incident of MP Kangana Ranaut being slapped at an airport, violence can never be the answer. Especially not in our country that was born out of Gandhi’s ideals of non-violence. It doesn’t matter how much we disagree with views and statements made by someone, we cannot react with violence and we should not condone it. It is particularly dangerous when security personnel react violently while in uniform. Imagine, over the last ten years, if those of us who questioned power were assaulted at airports by constables who were in agreement with that power.”
Over the years, Kangana has frequently criticized Alia. During the release of Gully Boy, Kangana gave a negative review of Alia’s performance in the film. In 2019, Kangana called Alia’s Gully Boy performance ‘mediocre,’ saying,
“I am embarrassed… What is there to beat in Gully Boy performance… same snappy muh phat girl… Bollywood’s idea of a fiery girl, woman empowerment and good acting, spare me this embarrassment, please.
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