Popcorn. Pokémon. Poppin’ purple car. The music video for M2M’s debut single really has it all, does it not? In 1999, the Norwegian pop duo of Marion Raven and Marit Larson dropped “Don’t Say You Love Me,” a mid-tempo jam about pumping the brakes on a relationship.

And just like the song, the Nigel Dick-directed music video for M2M’s biggest hit is a true delight. OK, there are technically two versions of the “Don’t Say You Love Me” vid, but I’m a big fan of the version where the drive-in theater patrons watch Pokémon: The First Movie. (No, the Poké twist is not completely random; the tune happens to be on the soundtrack for Pokémon: The First Movie.) You just can’t compete with a Pikachu cameo, you know?

OK, I am just going to come right out and say it: the Pocket Monsterified version of the “Don’t Say You Love Me” music video is an absolute masterpiece. Like, I do not know why or how it is not on every “Essential Music Videos From The Late ’90s” list. It’s a shame.

Here are a few of the reasons why the “Don’t Say You Love Me” music video deserves all of the love:

This Purple Car

I didn’t know cars could be that color until I saw this music video. This music video really expanded my horizons.

The Pokémon Clips

Be still my Pokéball-shaped heart.

This Woman’s Coat & Hairdo

Her style is so untouchable. I want that hairstyle and that jacket, stat.

M2M - Don't Say You Love Me - Can't Stop The Pop

The Drive-In Dance Routine

Ugh, why don’t my friends and I choreograph routines for the movie theater?

The Popcorn Shenanigans

Who doesn’t love some popcorn shenanigans, am I right?

The Popcorn Explosion

Who doesn’t love a popcorn explosion, am I right?

The Popcorn Snowfall

Who doesn’t love popcorn falling from the sky like butter-coated snowflakes, am I right?

More Dancing Happens

No such thing as “too much dancing in a music video.”

Pidgeot Soars Across The Big Screen

So majestic.

The Popcorn Hair

She makes popcorn kernels look like hair gems you’d buy at Claire’s. So *~kEwL~*.

All of the Poké Memories


The Drive-In Movie Cheer Stunts

Because why can’t a drive-in movie be more like a pep rally?

Images: M2MmusicVEVO/YouTube (12)