We’re waiting patiently for Zahara’s Oscar speech.

Aren’t we just trying to be as cool as Shiloh Jolie-Pitt?

Well, we’ve got a long way to go considering Shiloh — along with siblings Zahara, Knox and Pax

Lent vocal talent to mom Angelina Jolie’s new film “Kung Fu Panda 3.”

Jolie visited “The Today Show” on Thursday with the panda himself, Jack Black

To discuss the third installment of the epic martial arts adventure and involving their young ones in the film industry.

Before you start scripting each of the Jolie-Pitt kids future Oscar speeches

However, the actress expressed her reluctance regarding any career path for her famous brood that might end in Hollywood.

“I hope not!” Angelina remarked with a laugh when asked if her children had caught the acting bug. “We’ve always said if they’re going to be actors I hope they do something [else first] and then be actors.”

Despite her reluctance to encourage her children to follow in their parents footsteps, Jolie admitted that she had a seriously good time including her children in the family friendly film.

“I think what was so sweet about it was that they took it very seriously,’ she said. “They came in and said, ‘I don’t know if I could do this. I’m not sure if I can do this’… but they really took it seriously as a job and getting it right and not doing a bad job.”

Better keep that DVD closet locked up, Angelina, or you’re gonna have some future superstars on your hands.