Liam Neeson opens up about removing the breathing tube to let his wife go

 The sudden death of actress Natasha Richardson (star of The Parent Trap, Maid in Manhattan, Wild Child …) in a tragic skiing accident 5 years ago is still an unbearable pain in Liam Neeson’s heart. .

Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson

Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson 1
Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson

In an interview with CBS on Sunday’s 60 Minutes , the Taken star opened up: “It’s like a tidal wave. As long as you feel instability, the earth is no longer stable. Even though I know that human life is not eternal, I still cannot forget that.”

On March 18, 2009, actress Natasha Richardson breathed her last breath due to a brain hemorrhage after a skiing accident at the Mont Trembland resort in the Laurentian Hills (Canada). 

The Tony Award-winning star passed away unexpectedly at the age of 45, leaving behind grief for her family, friends, colleagues, especially her husband Liam Neeson.

Up until this moment, Liam said he was still confused about his wife’s death.

“(Her death) was never real. For a long time, especially the first year, when I heard a knock on the door of our New York apartment, I thought it was her,” New York Daily News quoted the 62-year-old actor.

The Star Wars star reminisced in the interview when remembering the moment his wife was taken out of her breathing tube: “Previously, she and I had an oath that if for any reason one of us had to maintain our life.”

living in a vegetative state, the other person is responsible for ending that situation… After looking at her one last time, I pulled out her breathing tube so she could pass away peacefully.”

Liam said that before doing this, he went to his wife and said: “Honey, you hit your head and will never wake up again…”.

The actor also shared about his decision to donate organs to patients: “She helped 3 other people find a chance to live again at that time, thanks to her kidney, heart and liver. I think she will be very happy and satisfied by that.”

Liam Neeson has been married to Natasha Richardson since 1994. He and his wife have two sons together, Micheál and Daniel.

Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson 2
Neeson in the movie Non-Stop , the latest action movie to hit theaters on February 28, 2014

Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson 3
And sadly talked about his wife’s death on the 60 Minutes program

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