He had a child with his former housekeeper more than 10 years ago, right under his wife’s nose.

Cựu Thống đốc California thừa nhận có con với “ôsin” | Báo Dân trí

Housekeeper Beane, 50 years old, worked for the Schwarzenegger-Shriver family for 20 years and retired in January this year. 

While working, Beane was able to give birth to Arnold a son and now the baby is more than 10 years old.

In a shocking statement, Schwarzenegger claimed the child was born before he began his seven-year term as governor.

 “I understand the anger and disappointment my friends and family feel towards me. 

No apology can erase this mistake and I take full responsibility for all the consequences I caused.

 I apologize to Maria, my wife and children and the entire family. 

I’m really sorry” – Schwarzenegger publicly apologized yesterday.

Former wife of California governor Maria Shiriver called this admission “heartbreaking”. 

“This is my most painful time. As a mother, my biggest concern right now is my children, so I hope everyone will respect our privacy so that I can build and restore a life with my children.”

Although Schwarzenegger’s assets are more than $800 million, Beane’s “shadow lover”‘s life is not prosperous at all.

According to Xzone

Schwarzenegger and Shriver announced their separation on May 9 after 25 years of marriage and four children together.