Arnold Schwarzenegger, a renowned actor and former Governor of California, is no stranger to controversy surrounding his love life. Throughout his 25-year marriage to Maria Shriver, several rumors of infidelity have swirled.
Maria Shriver Is Not the Only Lover Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Cheated On as He Left Brigitte Nielsen Heartbroken

The shocking revelation of Schwarzenegger fathering a child from his adulterous affair with a former household staffer, Mildred Baena, has contributed to his shattered marriage with Shriver, tarnishing his public image.

However, Maria Shriver is not the only woman who fell victim to Schwarzenegger’s unfaithfulness. Another such individual is Brigitte Nielsen, an actress with undeniable charisma and striking beauty.

The passionate affair between The Terminator star and Cobra star began during the making of the film Red Sonja. But their relationship left Nielsen heartbroken when she discovered Schwarzenegger’s serious commitments with Shriver.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver
Brigitte Nielsen On Her Romantic Relationship With Arnold Schwarzenegger

Despite the turmoil surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s personal life, Brigitte Nielsen still remembers their time together fondly.

Their attraction during the filming of Red Sonja was immediate, and they embarked on a passionate affair with the understanding that it would not extend beyond the movie.

Nielsen reflects on the intensity of their relationship, highlighting that there were no restrictions or promises, allowing them to indulge in every aspect of their connection.

“Since we both knew that wouldn’t last beyond the movie, we didn’t hold back. We wanted to try everything and so we did. There were no restrictions, no promises, nothing, and it was a great time in my life.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen
The Beverly Hills Cop II  star gave a glimpse into the persona of Schwarzenegger back in the day and even added how he expressed his desire to be the Governor of California, to which Nielsen expressed her pure trust.

During their affair, the Commando star demonstrated his romantic side by offering a touching gesture to Nielsen before she was about to fly home for Christmas.

“Arnold at the time was a lot of fun. He was very professional and had a very sarcastic sense of humor. He told me at the beginning of shooting Red Sonja, ‘One day, I will become Governor of California’, and we were all laughing, but I had a feeling he would do it one day.

I was about to fly home to Copenhagen for Christmas and Arnold left me this gift. I won’t say what it was, but it was a beautiful over-the-top present.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen in Red Sonja (1985)
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen in Red Sonja (1985)
Brigitte Nielsen On Being Cheated By Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sadly Nielsen’s world came crashing down when she learned about Schwarzenegger’s serious involvement with Maria Shriver. The news blindsided her, leaving her with a sense of betrayal and deception.

Reflecting on their affair, Nielsen admits that she might not have pursued it if Schwarzenegger had been forthcoming about his commitment to Shriver.

“How serious it was with her, I don’t know. He never spoke about her — and the way he was living his life with me, I felt I was the only one.

Then I realized about him and Maria and, wow, I felt cheated. Maybe I wouldn’t have got into it if he said ‘I’m going to marry Maria and this is dead serious’, but he didn’t, and our affair carried on.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Brigitte Nielsen’s experience sheds light on the complexity of their affair and the heartbreak she endured upon discovering Schwarzenegger’s involvement with another woman.

As these revelations about The Terminator star’s love life continue to emerge, it becomes evident that Schwarzenegger’s behavior was not limited to one instance of betrayal.