Does Megan Fox Still Hate Michael Bay?

Does Megan Fox Still Hate Michael Bay?

During the 2000s, Fox worked with director Michael Bay on Transformers, and they have had a unique relationship over time.

Megan Fox has had quite an exceptional career in Hollywood thus far, and while things have slowed down a tad, she is still someone that people enjoy seeing on the big screen. Fox has starred in some huge films in the past, and this turned her into a massive star.

Not only is she a famous actress, but she is quite active on social media, and she has been able to be a famous face for years now.

During the 2000s, Fox worked with director Michael Bay on Transformers, and they have had a unique relationship over time. Few people know what it is like to be on set with someone for months at a time, and Fox did not mince words when she spoke about her time working with Bay in the past.

So, does Megan Fox still hate Michael Bay? Let’s dive in and see!

Fox Works With Michael Bay On Transformers

In order to see where Fox stands with Bay now, it is important to get some context of their past and to see how things developed between the two over time.

Back in 2007, the world was finally ready to see a live-action Transformers film, and the anticipation for the movie was through the roof. The franchise itself had been popular for quite some time, and people felt that the modern CGI would make the films solid.

Megan Fox had done some acting prior to landing a lead role in the film, but the potential of the movie meant that she could turn into a massive star. Turns out, this is precisely what happened when Transformers was finally released into theaters.

During its theatrical run, Transformers was able to gross $709 million worldwide, which made it a massive success and the start of a lucrative film franchise. It also made Megan Fox a household name, as people everywhere were swooning for the new star.

Two years later, Fox would take part in the film’s sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which also proved to be a success at the box office. She was a star by this point, and the franchise was rolling along just fine.

As great as it was that the films were doing well at the box office, Megan Fox would still speak up about her time in the franchise, and needless to say, she would certainly make headlines and ruffle some feathers while doing so.

She Has Some Harsh Words For The Director

Now that Fox was a star and someone whose voice was going to be heard, she made sure to use it and speak up against director Michael Bay. She had some strong words for her director, and this led to her dismissal from the franchise.

When speaking with Wonderland, Megan Fox would pull no punches and unload the uncomfortable truth about her experience working with Michael Bay.

Fox would say, “He’s like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous mad-man reputation. He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he’s a nightmare to work for but when you get him away from set, and he’s not in director mode, I kind of really enjoy his personality because he’s so awkward, so hopelessly awkward. He has no social skills at all. And it’s endearing to watch him.”

Yeah, comparing a director to two historical figures like this was quite the impression to leave on the rest of the industry, and this made headlines in a hurry. People were shocked that a star would speak out against a director like this, and the interview wound up costing Fox a whole lot more than she bargained for.

Michael Bay would tell GQ, “You know the Hitler thing. Steven (Spielberg) said, fire her right now.”

And just like that, Fox was booted from the franchise that helped turn her into a star. Of course, this has people curious about her feelings towards the director now.

How She Feels Now

Megan Fox has not worked directly with Michael Bay in some time, but he did serve as a producer on her Ninja Turtle films. Recently, she made some comments about Bay that caught people’s attention.

BBC reports that after details emerged about Fox’s time in Bad Boys II, Michael Bay was being accused of using a teenager inappropriately in the film. Fox would come to his defense, which showed that she was willing to go to bat for someone that she had some strong feelings towards in the past.

Back in 2017, Fox did touch on her dismissal from the Transformers franchise, and her words were quite interesting.

She would say, “All I had to do was apologize – and I refused. I was so self-righteous at 23, I couldn’t see [that] it was for the greater good. I really thought I was Joan of Arc.”

Things have worked out just fine for all involved, thankfully. Fox did defend Michael Bay and admit her mistake of not apologizing, so maybe she’s moved on over the years.