The tragic life of Michael Jackson’s daughter after her father’s death: Living on a mountain of inheritance money but piled up with injuries and incidents

The only daughter of the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson had to go through a series of tragedies of rape, depression and living in hopelessness throughout his adult life.

Paris Jackson, full name Michael Katherine Jackson, born in 1998, is the only daughter of music legend Michael Jackson with his ex-wife Debbie Rowe. She also has an older brother named Michael “Prince” Jackson Jr (born 1997) and younger brother Prince Jackson Jr II (born 2002).

Paris Jackson was born when the King of Pop was at the peak of his global popularity. Therefore, she was soon sought after and cared for by the public from a young age. But in 2009, at the age of 11, Paris lost her beloved father forever, and since then the little girl’s life has faced turmoil.

Shock after the death of a legendary father

From children who were always pampered and had a childhood that lacked nothing, the three Jackson brothers suddenly lost their father when all three were still teenagers. This shocked them, especially Paris.

The image of Paris Jackson (center) sobbing at her father’s funeral in 2009 touched the world

During Michael Jackson’s funeral watched by the whole world, an 11-year-old girl cried and shared: “Since I was born, I have always been loved by my father deeply loved. He is a wonderful father. I love my father very much”.

After their father passed away, the Paris brothers suddenly became more famous, received more media attention and, to put it negatively, more scrutiny. And this pursuit makes Paris’s growing up process even more complicated.

Every year, Paris Jackson receives $8 million in bonuses at the age of 18, 33 and 40 from the $100 million fortune inherited from her father. But material prosperity does not help compensate for this little girl’s spiritual shortcomings.

All three Jackson children respect and deeply love their legendary father

In 2010, she enrolled at Buckley School – a private school for rich children in the San Fernando Valley, after a long period of self-study at home. In 2013, at the age of 15, she faced depression, physical weakness and stimulant use. Paris Jackson revealed that she lived her entire teenage life thinking about suicide every day. Also this year, Paris Jackson was sent to reform school. But this place did not help the young girl become more stable. On the contrary, here, she was constantly abused physically and mentally. She even said she was raped when she was 14 years old.

“Boarding school is my nightmare. Later, I was diagnosed with post-traumatic disorder. I understand how Paris Hilton feels when facing this problem”, Paris confided in a 2019 documentary.

Openly belonging to the LGBT community and criticism from family

Since the age of 14, Paris has declared herself bisexual. This has created a huge wave of debate. Paris Jackson said that although she always tries to live as discreetly as possible, she still faces scrutiny from both the public and her family. As a result, Paris suffered from increasingly severe depression. She faced opposition from her own relatives when they could not accept their niece’s disclosure of her sexual orientation.

Growing up under the aura of the king of pop music for Paris Jackson was not easy

Even now, in an interview with Independent in June /2021, Paris revealed that she “coming out” Still not supported by family.

“I still respect my relatives. I have no choice but to explain to them. I hope one day they accept these things”, she confided.

Paris encountered many psychological problems during her teenage years

In the Red Table Talk program hosted by Willow Smith, Paris Jackson confided that she had lived for many years with auditory hallucinations and paranoia, often afraid of sounds because she was haunted by the sound of a camera. from the paparazzi. When she went to school, she was ostracized and isolated by her friends because of rumors that Paris was “fancy” because he has a famous father.

“Many people have told me that they always think I’m a spoiled child even though they’ve never talked to me before. I never had the chance to let others understand my true self”, she said.

For many years, paparazzi have often caught bad images of Paris Jackson such as smoking cigarettes, dressing strangely, and even engaging in dangerous and negative behavior toward herself.

The journey of recovery after a difficult youth

Despite admitting that post-trauma and past trauma still make her suffer, Paris Jackson currently affirms that she is learning to love life more through music – her father’s great love.

Brothers Prince and Paris Jackson are both active in the entertainment industry

Born into a family with a musical tradition, Paris Jackson learned to compose music at the age of 13. She taught herself guitar online to realize her passion. In her debut album Wilted released in 2020, she composed many songs about her own pain and young people making mistakes.

“I only know how to use music to express my feelings because no one understands me. I want to send the song to the people I know who have fallen because of mistakes. I no longer erect a wall to separate myself from society and write songs with all my heart”, Paris Jackson told Standard.

Paris Jackson overcame the pain of the past and gradually made her mark in her artistic activities

She is trying to remove the label of “Michael Jackson’s daughter”

Besides her music career, Paris Jackson pursues a career as a model and actress. She has played supporting roles in several movies such as Gringo, Scream. This 23-year-old girl hopes to be recognized by the audience as singer – actress Paris Jackson, not just “Michael Jackson’s daughter”.

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