Michael Jackson’s daughter has found peace after a stormy childhood

Paris Jackson (24 years old), the only daughter of legendary singer Michael Jackson, has shared rare information about her late father, about her stormy childhood and the peace she has just found. find.

Paris Jackson (left) feels lucky to have received important lessons from her father before Michael Jackson (right) passed away in 2009 (Photo: PopSugar).

Sharing in an interview with PopSugar magazine, Paris Jackson felt lucky to have received important lessons in time. respect from his father before Michael Jackson passed away in 2009.

Paris with her father as a child (Photo: PopSugar).

Paris Jackson said: “I was raised by a father with a generous, loving personality. We were taught that true beauty comes from within, and to this day, I believe even more. that. I also always keep an open mind to everything that happens in life.”

Paris explained that growing up under the gaze of the media and the public, and being a member of a famous family in the entertainment industry, made her feel very difficult in each of her experiences. .

“It wasn’t until recently that I learned how to cope with all my problems, by practicing self-love, accepting and appreciating myself, and delving deeply into my own spiritual life. me.

Only in the past two years have I started to feel like I’m not bad, my life is comfortable, and I gradually see that everything in my life is quite stable.

Positive emotions don’t exist 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, but negative emotions, the times when I feel terrible are gradually appearing less, the gap between the emotions is less. Depression also becomes more distant”, Paris said.

Paris explained that growing up under the gaze of the media and the public made her feel very difficult in each of her experiences (Photo: PopSugar).

Paris with her older brother and younger brother when going to watch a baseball match in 2012 (Photo: PopSugar).

Recently, Paris was invited to be the representative face of a cosmetics brand. She has also appeared on the catwalk many times as a model. Paris is no stranger to red carpet events. However, the 24-year-old girl always remembers the lesson of her late father, that true beauty comes from within and taking time for your spiritual life.

Paris Jackson once talked about how her father – “the king of pop” Michael Jackson took care of and raised his children while he was alive. He helped his children understand the value of labor and form their own tastemusic.

“My father always made sure that his children were raised to become cultured, educated people, we not only knew about luxury and flashiness, not only did we know how to live in 5-star hotels, but see a lot of other things, like life in some third world countries. We have seen many things, from beautiful to harsh in this life”, Paris Jackson shared.

When the “king of pop” Michael Jackson passed away in June 2009, Paris Jackson was only 11 years old. But Paris knows that her father’s influence will forever remain in her life.

Paris with her brother Prince at an event that took place this May (Photo: PopSugar).

“Growing up under our father’s guidance, we had to achieve achievements. For example, if you want to buy 5 toys, you must read 5 books. If we want something, we have to work hard to get it, we don’t always get everything we want”, Paris recalled.

Sharing about her current job, when always mentioned in the showbiz world as Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris confided: “Even though I am the daughter of a famous star, I still have to work hard to achieve success.” be successful in your career. For example, I also have to go to auditions, work hard, and memorize the script.”

Indeed, Paris is very diligent and patient with her career, she releases new music products, works as a fashion model, accepts invitations to cooperate in advertising, participates in… participating in low-budget films, collaborating with charity organizations…

Paris Jackson’s efforts are bringing progress in the career she is pursuing in the showbiz field. In addition to the job opportunities in the fashion and cosmetics industry, Paris has also released her debut album and started touring.

Paris once confided that her journey to adulthood was not easy. She struggled with psychological problems and had suicidal thoughts many times, but in the end, Paris found balance. equality and peace in adulthood, after difficult childhood years because of not having parents around.

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