Gwyneth Paltrow stayed away from Botox after an unsuccessful attempt, fearing she’d start looking like Joan Rivers.

Ever since her first starring role in Emma, a period comedy inspired by Jane Austen’s novel of the same name, Gwyneth Paltrow has attracted as much praise for beauty as for her acting skills. Accordingly, she enjoyed a prolific start to her career and went on to bag leading roles in high-profile movies like Sliding Doors and Shakespeare in Love in the late 90s.

Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Even in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while other Marvel characters impressed fans with their superhuman powers, Paltrow’s Pepper Potts left the audience in awe of her glamorous looks, which played a big part in keeping the pompous Tony Stark’s feet on the ground. However, the actress surprised many Marvel fans before the release of Iron Man 3 by making a confession about her mixed encounter with Botox, which accompanied a bold remark about Joan Rivers.

How Joan Rivers Influenced Gwyneth Paltrow’s Opinion About Plastic Surgery

Hollywood is filled with actors, who started as stand-up comedians and grabbed the first opportunity to feature on the big screen. However, the legendary Joan Rivers, instead took the opposite route, having started off as a serious actress and then jumping into stand-up comedy. By the 80s Rivers became a cultural icon, who wouldn’t spare even influential individuals like politicians and A-listers when it came to making her audience laugh.

Joan Rivers on Fashion Police.

Apart from her boldness on the stage and in front of the camera, Rivers was also famous for taking the bold step of going under the knife multiple times to constantly change her face. However, unlike her comedy career, this move didn’t spell great results for the legend, who attracted negative headlines and comments for how she ended up looking after a staggering 348 cosmetic operations over her life.

In 2013, her name once again reemerged in a negative light when Gwyneth Paltrow talked about her own experience with Botox. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar during the promotion of her role as Pepper Potts in Iron Man 3, the Oscar-winning actress admitted to trying plastic surgery, stating:

“I’ve probably tried everything. I would be scared to go under the knife, but you know, talk to me when I’m 50. I’ll try anything. Except I won’t do Botox again, because I looked crazy. I looked like Joan Rivers!”

Paltrow, who heads wellness and lifestyle brand Goop, has admirably always been open about her beauty choices. However, the swipe at Rivers’ looks surprised many, leading to mics turning in the direction of the legendary comedian for her reactions.

How Joan Rivers Reacted to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Comment About Her Looks

In the early 2010s, Rivers used to lead Fashion Police, a show where hosts and fashion designers talked about the latest trends and evaluated the fashion choices of celebrities on the red carpet.

Gwyneth Paltrow.

Accordingly, when Rivers was asked to comment on Paltrow’s dig, she made sure to plug in her show.

“I’m thrilled,” Rivers told E!. “I’m thrilled about this because it means she watches Fashion Police! I would love her to come on the show. We’ll have a big buffet of grass, nuts and frog droppings.”
Paltrow wasn’t a big fan of Rivers’ Fashion Police, so much so that she once confronted Rivers over her supposedly snarky show.