The greatest basketball player in history is not invincible in his dreams, in which his greatest fears sometimes surface. One of them he suffers from even when awake…

The figure of Michael Jordan (New York, 1963), the greatest basketball player in history, transcends the world of sport. From the beginning of his career, he was accompanied by an aura of star that he took to another dimension with his fantastic game, his fantasy and his countless sporting successes: NCAA champion, 6 NBA championship rings, 5 times MVP of the season, 6 times MVP of the Finals, 14 times All Star, 10 years included in the best five, among others.

That’s a CV that places him as one of the greatest sportsmen in history, but unlike other legends as successful as him, his magic did not evaporate with the passing of the years after his retirement. Quite the contrary.

Off the court, he always continued to cultivate that aura of living myth that still accompanies him at the age of 60. When he played he was rarely seen in public off the court, and in his private life this is still the case. This explains the halo of mystery that has always surrounded him, that of a character above the divine and the human. Almost a being from another planet.

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Inside Michael Jordan’s luxury mansion in ChicagoMarca English

A fortune of 1.9 billion dollars

Jordan transferred his sporting success to the business world, creating a multinational around his figure with emblematic brands such as Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, Upper Deck, 2K Sports, Presbyterian Healthcare and Five Star Fragrances.

He even became a majority shareholder of the Charlotte Hornets, one of his few failures. According to Forbes magazine, his fortune is around 1.9 billion dollars, which places him among the 1,500 richest people in the world.

Everything he touches turns to gold, but behind that mountain of millions, and although many find it hard to believe, he is a real human being, with his ailments and his fears.

The Chicago Bulls legend, who spent his career instilling panic in opposing teams, also feels unease and even dread at times in his private life.

It is the price of maintaining the mythical image he has cultivated over the years and which, more often than not, keeps him awake at night.


Jordan knows he is the idol of millions of people around the world and worries about damaging that image and disappointing the legions of fans who idolise him.

Jordan confessed that fear himself in an in-depth interview with GQ: “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with bad dreams.

“It’s always something I’ve done. I’ve robbed a bank. Or I’ve done cocaine, or I’ve succumbed to the pressures of drugs. Or I felt the pressure to drink. These are all nightmares,” Jordan said.

The legend further elaborated on why he felt such dread about his own dreams and nightmares.

“They’re nightmares where something terrible happens to me that would destroy a lot of people’s dreams or conception of me; that’s the biggest nightmare I live every day,” Jordan said. “What if I make a mistake? What would that look like?

“Everybody thinks it’s easy to be Michael Jordan with all the good things that happen to me, but the things that scare me the most are the bad things, the things that would bring down Michael, the image of Jordan. That’s the biggest fear I face,” he said.

Yate propiedad de Michael Jordan valorado en 80 millones de dólares.

Yate propiedad de Michael Jordan valorado en 80 millones de dólares.

The origin of Jordan’s aquaphobia

Jordan himself revealed it, in 1992, in Playboy magazine.

The event that triggered his phobia of water happened when he was a child: “One day I went swimming with a very good friend of mine and we were having fun catching waves. At one point, the current was so strong that it swallowed him up and he grabbed me so he wouldn’t sink. It’s called a ‘death lock’, it’s when someone can die and they hold on to what’s next to them. I practically had to break his hand because he was dragging me and was going to take me with him. I couldn’t save him and he died,” he confessed.

“I was seven or eight years old. Now I don’t even go near the water.

“I don’t swim, I don’t get along with water. I don’t get on a boat unless I have a life jacket and I don’t go in small boats. I don’t give a damn what people think about it.

“Everyone has a phobia of something, and mine is water. I don’t go in the water anymore, I try to stay out of it.”