In the wee hours of Thursday, Miley Cyrus shared some provocative photos on her Instagram. She continued to flaunt her toned tummy while taking a refreshing hike in Los Angeles later that day. The young celebrity wore a hot pink sports bra and black shorts, baring her skin in good company with her friends. Check out the video below for more details.
Miley Cyrus was spotted yet again showing off her toned physique during a hiking session in Los Angeles on Thursday. Sporting a vibrant hot pink sports bra and black shorts, Miley kept her blonde locks slicked back into a ponytail, except for the strands at the nape of her neck. She opted for a subtle makeup look, accessorizing with a playful choker necklace and a sparkling belly ring. Tying a navy blue sweatshirt around her waist and sporting a colorful pair of well-worn trainers completed her stylish workout ensemble.
It seems like Miley had a tiring time walking alongside her friends, as it appeared to be more challenging than it looked. Prior to this, the singer had shared some saucy pictures on her social media for her fans to see. One of the shots, taken by photographer Mert Alas, showed her wearing a transparent bodysuit, jacket, boots, and not much else. She was posing with Scout and Tallulah Willis, the daughters of Demi Moore. While all of this was happening, her boyfriend, Patrick Schwarzenegger, was busy with his own project on the same day.
Patrick Schwarzenegger recently enjoyed a solitary lunch where he satisfied his cravings with an iced coffee while perusing what seemed to be a script. The USC student shared a snapshot of his ‘good old solo lunches’ on Twitter, where he also joked about having a chair to rest his legs on. In contrast to his solo lunch, Patrick attended the H&M Coachella party in Indio the previous Friday, while Miley Cyrus was busy working in the studio with her alleged ex-boyfriend Mike Will Made-It.
Wow, check out Miley’s latest Instagram post! She proudly flaunted her tattoo collection while sporting a revealing outfit. The pop star shared a few snaps of herself and music producer Mike working on new tracks. Interestingly, rumours suggest that the two had a secret relationship for almost a year after collaborating on her hit album Bangerz. In the photos, Miley donned a bright onesie with a plunging neckline and wore a vibrant red beanie hat. Prior to attending Coachella, the singer also took a quick getaway to Big Sur in California with her best friend and personal assistant, Cheyne Thomas.
The musician shared a picture on social media last Friday showing her alongside her speculated ex-partner, Mike Will Made-It. It seems like she is getting back to work.
As Cyrus walked along the path, she lifted her arms and spread her wings like a bird. Meanwhile, Patrick and young actress Bella Thorne enjoyed a cozy meal together. However, Bella quickly took to Instagram to clarify that their relationship was purely platonic. She shared a selfie of the two with the caption, “With my homie @patrickschwarzenegger, if you’re not already following him, you should. Disclaimer: we are just friends.”
Looking fit and fabulous! The star confidently flaunted her toned physique without hesitation.