The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!

Kristen Stewart flatly refused the Twilight director’s offer.

As a famous film among young audiences in the late 2000s, Twilight on the contrary once caused the cast to fall into awkward situations, even affecting their health. In the past, “Bella” Kristen Stewart boldly rejected and refused an offer from the director to protect herself, even though at that time she was still very young and not yet a famous name in the industry. profession.

The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!  - Photo 1.
In Twilight , Bella has a scene where she throws herself into the cold water, wanting to give up because she is so sad. In the last moment, she still thought about Edward but was ready to leave. Unexpectedly, Jacob appeared and saved Bella, successfully preventing the beauty’s foolish decision.

As a scene that shows Bella’s suffering, the filming process is actually equally “suffering”. Kristen Stewart had to soak in cold water, in a deep lake for many hours. As someone who loves adventure in her role, of course Kristen Stewart will not complain just because of a few scenes of diving into cold water. But that’s not the scariest thing.

The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!  - Photo 2.

To achieve authenticity and naturalness for the scene, Twilight: New Moon director Chris Weitz wanted Stewart to do more. He suggested that the actress put weights in her shoes and pockets to keep her submerged underwater. After hearing the director’s request, Stewart immediately refused, not wanting to do it because he thought it was uncomfortable at all.

Rejected by Kristen Stewart, the director tried to do the same and went underwater. In fact, this trick makes the person doing it uncomfortable and even endangers their life. After submerging his body in the water, Weitz immediately panicked and had to get out of the water immediately. ” Oh my god, it’s not funny at all! ” was what the director exclaimed. Only then will Bella be “spared”, and the scene will be carefully cut together.

The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!  - Photo 3.

The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!  - Photo 4.
Besides interesting behind-the-scenes secrets, Twilight also brings many troubles and difficulties to the actors’ health. Taylor Lautner had to diet hard and exercise day and night just to keep the role of werewolf Jacob. Or the fact that the actors in the movie have to constantly wear contact lenses until their eyes turn red to accurately represent the details in the original work.

The secret about the scene that the Twilight heroine wants to forget the most: The director was also scared after the crime!  - Photo 5.
Photo source: Summit Entertainment