Apart from being two of the most sought-out talents in Bollywood, Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone also share a big piece of history. Although the two actresses are friendly, Alia Bhatt is often questioned about and compared to Deepika Padukone because of her husband, Ranbir Kapoor. For the unversed, Ranbir Kapoor famously dated Deepika Padukone before they broke up among rumors of cheating from Ranbir. In the latest episode of Koffee With Karan 8, Alia Bhatt revealed she does not consider DP competition for one big reason.

KWK 8 confession: Alia Bhatt DOES NOT consider Deepika Padukone her competition for THIS reason
In the latest episode of the renowned talk show, Koffee With Karan Season 8, the charming Bollywood actresses Kareena Kapoor Khan and Alia Bhatt were featured. The duo shared their insights on various topics, and during the popular rapid-fire round, Alia Bhatt disclosed her perspective on whether she sees Deepika Padukone as competition. Kareena Kapoor Khan also revealed her willingness to play the role of Sara Ali Khan’s mother in a film.
KWK 8 confession: Alia Bhatt DOES NOT consider Deepika Padukone her competition for THIS reason
In the rapid-fire round of Episode 4 of Koffee with Karan Season 8, Alia Bhatt, alongside her sister-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan, was asked if she considers Deepika Padukone her competition. Alia responded with a firm “no,” stating that Deepika is her “senior” and emphasized that there is no sense of competition. Initially, the question was directed at Kareena, but she deferred it, indicating that Alia should answer.

KWK 8 confession: Alia Bhatt DOES NOT consider Deepika Padukone her competition for THIS reason
Karan Johar also inquired whether Kareena Kapoor Khan would consider playing Sara Ali Khan’s mother in a film if offered the role. Kareena expressed her openness to the idea, stating that as an actor, she believes she can portray characters of all ages. She added, “If it is a good part,” she would consider it. When Karan questioned if she is genuinely open to it, Kareena affirmed her willingness to take on any acting role.

KWK 8 confession: Alia Bhatt DOES NOT consider Deepika Padukone her competition for THIS reason
The talk show, hosted by Karan Johar, has already featured pairs like Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone, Sunny Deol-Bobby Deol, and Sara Ali Khan-Ananya Panday. Upcoming episodes will showcase pairs such as Kajol-Rani Mukerji and Ajay Devgn-Rohit Shetty.

KWK 8 confession: Alia Bhatt DOES NOT consider Deepika Padukone her competition for THIS reason
The eighth season of Koffee with Karan introduces new segments like the Imposter game, Koffee Wrecktangle, Kwiz & Tell, and Ask Me Anything With Karan, while retaining the iconic rapid-fire round. Season 8 is now available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.