The 2024 Met Gala took the internet by storm as celebrities strutted down the red carpet in their most extravagant outfits. However, it was Kim Kardashian’s choice of attire that particularly caught everyone’s attention – a tight corset that seemed to defy the laws of physics. As photos of Kim’s extreme ensemble circulated online, her sister Khloé Kardashian couldn’t help but share her thoughts.

In an exclusive interview with E! News, Khloé didn’t hold back when asked about Kim’s daring fashion statement. “Honestly, I was speechless when I saw Kim in that corset,” Khloé admitted with a chuckle. “I mean, I know she likes to push the boundaries, but this was on another level. She looked stunning, of course, but I couldn’t help worrying about her breathing!”

Khloé’s concern for her sister’s well-being was echoed by fans and critics alike, with many taking to social media to express their shock and disbelief. Some praised Kim for her commitment to fashion, while others questioned the practicality and safety of such a restrictive garment.

Despite the controversy surrounding her outfit choice, Kim remained unfazed as she posed confidently for photographers on the red carpet. In a series of Instagram posts, she defended her decision to wear the corset, describing it as a “work of art” and a “celebration of the female form.”

“Kim is always pushing boundaries when it comes to fashion,” Khloé remarked. “But sometimes I think she forgets that she’s human too! I just hope she didn’t suffer too much for the sake of fashion.” As the night went on, Kim’s corset continued to dominate headlines, sparking debates about body image and beauty standards in the fashion industry. While some applauded Kim for embracing her curves, others criticized her for promoting unrealistic standards of beauty.

Regardless of the controversy, one thing was clear – Kim Kardashian had once again succeeded in making a bold statement at the Met Gala. Love her or hate her, there’s no denying that Kim knows how to grab the spotlight and keep the world talking. In the end, Khloé summed it up best: “At the end of the day, Kim is Kim. She’s always going to do things her way, and that’s what makes her so… Kim.”